General Meeting Agenda

Agenda For Saturday, January 19th, 2019

This Agenda may be changed and/or Amended prior to OR at the beginning of the meeting. IF you would like an item added to the Agenda prior to the meeting, please contact:

Aline Reed, President, at:

9:00 AM General Meeting

Meeting AGENDA

Meeting Call To Order: 9:00

Reading of the Club Mission Statement

The West Fresno Democratic Club, under charter from the Fresno County Democratic Central Committee, is committed to preserving and fostering the Democratic Party’s principles and it’s spirit of dedication in support of the rights, liberties and dreams of all citizens of American society, with equality and without exclusion, through education, voter registration and personal participation in the political process in all local, state and national political campaigns and elections for public office and political initiatives and referendums.

Introduction of Officers, Members and Guests

Determination of Quorum (eight (8) members constitute a quorum)

Approval of Agenda: by President

Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes: by Secretary

President’s Report: by Aline Reed

Treasurer’s Report: by Carole Laval

Program 9:20AM


Business Meeting 9:25

  1. Discussion of items presented by Floyd Harris
  2. Discussion of proposed Ad-Hoc committees by Aline Reed.
  3. Discussion regarding Indivisible proposal by Larry Johnson
  4. T.B.A.
  5. T.B.A.

Announcements 9:55AM – Limit to 1 minute each Please

Adjournment – 10:00 AM

Next monthly meeting February 16th, 2019.